Where sCMOS is Wonderful

CCD users have suffered for years with high read noise, snail-like digitization, and download speeds. It was like that three-hour movie that dragged on. Although CCD detectors benefited from consistent images with a few hot pixels and a column or two, sensitivity across the visible spectrum was only tolerable for mid-priced CCDs. The higher QE […]
How does the SBIG AC4040 compare to the SBIG STX-16803?

The classic KAF-16803 CCD was the leading camera in SBIG cameras for many years. However, since ON Semiconductor discontinued it in 2019, the latest sensors in Gpixel’s GSENSE4040 family have improved it. Combined with years of SBIG camera manufacturing experience, the SBIG AC4040 series has surpassed the SBIG STX-16803 in many ways. For example, compared […]
10 Reasons Why the SBIG AC4040 is Rapidly Becoming the Most Popular Camera for Astronomers

You expect quality when you go to the cinema. And likewise, as an astronomer*, you have similarly high expectations for quality regarding your camera. We’ve created a list to explore the top 10 reasons why our SBIG ALUMA AC4040 has rapidly risen and become the most popular camera when the stars are above and not […]
How to Choose an Astronomical Imaging Camera

Guide to Astronomical Camera Filters

More Bits, Less Hassle: Introducing StackPro™ In-Camera Stacking Feature

Have you heard about Diffraction’s StackPro™ in-camera stacking feature? Before we get to describing all the fantastic things it does, let’s first talk about some of the challenges that necessitate it. Modern CMOS active pixel sensors have all the analog processing built into the sensor. Certainly, this is an advantage compared to the older, more […]