Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef DL_H
2 #define DL_H
13 #include <stddef.h>
15 #define DL_STRUCTALIGN 4
17 // Windows DLL Exports
18 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
19  // Dynamic Linking
20 # ifndef DL_STATICLIB
21 # ifdef DL_EXPORTS
22 # define DL_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
23 # else
24 # define DL_API extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)
25 # endif
27 # define MYCDECL __cdecl
29  // Static Linking
30 # else
31 # define DL_API
32 # define MYCDECL
33 # endif
35 #else
37 // Define macros for Non-Windows systems
39 #define DL_API
40 #define DL_GUI_API
41 #define MYCDECL
43 #endif
70 namespace dl
71 {
78  {
79  Success = 0,
81  // client specific errors ...
82  ClientError = 0x01,
92  // device specific errors ...
93  DeviceError = 0x80,
100  // Book keeping
102  };
110  {
111  North = 0,
112  South = 1,
113  East = 2,
114  West = 3,
115  };
122  {
127  };
134  {
141  };
148  {
158  };
165  {
166  AdHoc = 0,
167  Open = 1,
168  WEP = 2,
169  WPA = 3,
170  WPA2 = 4,
172  };
179  Net = 1,
180  USB = 2,
181  USB3 = 3,
186  };
191  namespace ErrorFlags {
196  namespace TEC {
197  static const int ThermistorErrorFlagMask = 0x00000003; //<! Mask for thermistor error flags. \see ICamera::Status::flag
198  static const int SensorThermistorErrorFlag = 0x00000001; //<! Error flag for sensor thermistor. \see ICamera::Status::flag
199  static const int HeatSinkThermistorErrorFlag = 0x00000002; //<! Error flag for heatsink thermistor. \see ICamera::Status::flag
200  }
205  namespace AO {
206  static const unsigned char statusMask = 0x0f;
207  static const unsigned char busy = 0x01;
208  static const unsigned char badCalibration = 0x02;
209  static const unsigned char reserved = 0x04;
210  static const unsigned char badCommand = 0x08;
211  }
212  }
219  namespace PulseGuideStatus
220  {
221  static const unsigned char c_xBusy = 0x01;
222  static const unsigned char c_yBusy = 0x02;
223  }
233 # pragma pack(push, DL_STRUCTALIGN)
235  {
236  unsigned int width;
237  unsigned int height;
238  unsigned int offsetX;
239  unsigned int offsetY;
240  unsigned int binX;
241  unsigned int binY;
242  float eGain;
244  };
254  {
255  float duration;
256  unsigned int readoutMode;
257  char binX;
258  char binY;
262  };
271  struct TSubframe
272  {
273  int top;
274  int left;
275  int width;
276  int height;
277  int binX;
278  int binY;
279  };
295  {
296  unsigned int ssidLength;
297  unsigned int passphraseLength;
299  char ssid[32];
300  char passphrase[64];
303  };
354  {
355  unsigned int serialNumber;
357  size_t index;
360  };
361 # pragma pack(pop)
401  class IImage
402  {
403  public:
411  virtual unsigned short * getBufferData() const = 0;
420  virtual unsigned int getBufferLength() const = 0;
430  virtual TImageMetadata getMetadata() const = 0;
431  };
433  typedef IImage* IImagePtr;
435  // TODO : Add documentation
437  {
438  unsigned int width;
439  unsigned int height;
440  unsigned int binX;
441  unsigned int binY;
442  float eGain;
443  unsigned int darkCol;
445  unsigned int exposureDelay;
446  unsigned int exposureWindow;
447  };
449  // TODO : Add documentation
450  class IImageExt
451  {
452  public:
453  virtual size_t getLayerCount() const = 0;
454  virtual TLayerMetadata getLayerMetadata(unsigned int layer) const = 0;
455  virtual void getExpMidpoint(char * pBuffer, size_t & lng) const = 0;
456  };
533  class IPromise
534  {
535  public:
541  enum Status
542  {
549  };
560  virtual void getLastError(char * buffer, size_t& bufferSize) const = 0;
571  virtual EStatusCode getAPIStatusCode() const = 0;
581  virtual Status getStatus() const = 0;
590  virtual Status wait() = 0;
599  virtual void release() = 0;
600  };
613  class ITEC
614  {
615  public:
624  virtual bool getEnabled() const = 0;
634  virtual float getSetpoint() const = 0;
644  virtual float getCoolerPower() const = 0;
654  virtual float getSensorThermopileTemperature() const = 0;
663  virtual float getHeatSinkThermopileTemperature() const = 0;
674  virtual IPromisePtr setState(bool enable, float setpoint) = 0;
675  };
677  typedef ITEC* ITECPtr;
686  class IAO {
687  public:
693  enum Status {
698  };
704  enum Model
705  {
707  AO8,
708  AOX,
709  InvalidAOModel = 0xff,
710  };
720  virtual IPromisePtr initialize() = 0;
730  virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus() = 0;
743  virtual IPromisePtr setPosition(short tip, short tilt) = 0;
753  virtual IAO::Status getStatus() const = 0;
766  virtual void getPosition(short &tip, short &tilt) const = 0;
780  virtual void getLimits(size_t &tipMin, size_t &tipMax, size_t &tiltMin, size_t &tiltMax) const = 0;
790  virtual Model getModel() const = 0;
791  };
793  typedef IAO* IAOPtr;
801  class IFW {
802  public:
807  enum Model
808  {
831  // New AFW line where model number represents number of slots (submodels include filter diameter & shape)
848  // ^^ new models here ^^
850  InvalidFWModel = 0xFF,
851  };
857  enum Status {
863  };
874  virtual IPromisePtr initialize() = 0;
884  virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus() = 0;
894  virtual int getPosition() const = 0;
904  virtual IFW::Status getStatus() const = 0;
914  virtual IFW::Model getModel() const = 0;
923  virtual unsigned int getSlots() const = 0;
936  virtual IPromisePtr setPosition(int position) = 0;
937  };
939  typedef IFW* IFWPtr;
941  class IFWExtended : public IFW
942  {
943  public:
944  virtual unsigned int getChildCount() const = 0;
945  virtual IFW::Model getChildModel(unsigned int) const = 0;
946  virtual unsigned int getChildSlots(unsigned int) const = 0;
948  virtual const char* getModelName(unsigned int) const = 0;
949  };
958  class ISensor {
959  public:
965  enum Model {
966  RESERVED1 = 0x00,
967  RESERVED2 = 0x01,
968  ICX694 = 0x02,
969  ICX814 = 0x03,
970  CCD4710 = 0x04,
971  CCD7700 = 0x05,
972  RESERVED3 = 0x06,
973  RESERVED4 = 0x07,
974  RESERVED5 = 0x09,
975  RESERVED6 = 0x08,
976  KAF3200 = 0x0a,
977  KAF8300 = 0x0b,
979  RESERVED7 = 0x10,
980  RESERVED8 = 0x11,
982  RESERVEDB1 = 0x100,
984  RESERVEDC1 = 0x200,
986  GSENSE4040 = 0x300,
987  GSENSE2020 = 0x600,
989  P1300 = 0x400,
991  IMX428 = 0x500,
996  };
1002  enum Status
1003  {
1017  };
1023  enum Setting
1024  {
1044  };
1047  {
1053  };
1061 # pragma pack(push, DL_STRUCTALIGN)
1062  struct Info
1063  {
1064  unsigned int id;
1066  unsigned int pixelsX;
1067  unsigned int pixelsY;
1071  float pixelSizeX;
1072  float pixelSizeY;
1075  unsigned int maxBinX;
1076  unsigned int maxBinY;
1080  unsigned char flag;
1081  };
1090  {
1091  unsigned int substrateVoltage;
1092  unsigned int channelsInUse;
1093  unsigned int adcGains[4];
1094  int adcOffsets[4];
1095  float eGain;
1096  };
1106  struct Settings
1107  {
1115  {
1116  int duration;
1117  int flushes;
1118  } rbiPreflash;
1120  int fanSpeed;
1131  };
1132 # pragma pack(pop)
1141  virtual const unsigned int getSensorId() const = 0;
1151  virtual ISensor::Info getInfo() const = 0;
1161  virtual ISensor::Calibration getCalibration() const = 0;
1171  virtual ISensor::Settings getSettings() const = 0;
1182  virtual int getSetting(ISensor::Setting key) const = 0;
1192  virtual TSubframe getSubframe() const = 0;
1249  virtual IImagePtr getImage() const = 0;
1259  virtual IPromisePtr queryInfo() = 0;
1270  virtual IPromisePtr querySetting(ISensor::Setting setting) = 0;
1282  virtual IPromisePtr queryCalibration() = 0;
1284  virtual IPromisePtr queryCalibration(ISensor::CalibrationKey key, int subkey) = 0;
1286  virtual unsigned int getCalibration(ISensor::CalibrationKey key, int subkey) = 0;
1296  virtual IPromisePtr querySubframe() = 0;
1311  virtual IPromisePtr setSetting(ISensor::Setting key, int value) = 0;
1341  virtual IPromisePtr setSubframe(const TSubframe & value) = 0;
1399  virtual IPromisePtr startExposure(const TExposureOptions & params) = 0;
1409  virtual IPromisePtr DebugStartExposure(unsigned int id, const char* exposureType, const TExposureOptions& params) = 0;
1461  virtual IPromisePtr startDownload() = 0;
1473  virtual IPromisePtr abortExposure() = 0;
1512  virtual void getReadoutModes(char * buf, size_t& lng) const = 0;
1523  };
1553  virtual void getAdjustableGains(AdjustableGainMode mode, int* pGainEntries, unsigned int& gainEntryCount) const = 0;
1562  virtual unsigned int getAdjustableGainCount(AdjustableGainMode mode) const = 0;
1569  virtual unsigned int getDefaultAdjustableGain(AdjustableGainMode mode) const = 0;
1570  };
1572  typedef ISensor* ISensorPtr;
1591  class ICamera
1592  {
1593  public:
1598  enum State {
1599  Uninitialized, //<! Uninitialized Camera is uninitialized.
1600  Initializing, //<! Initializing Camera is in process of initializing.
1601  Ready, //<! Ready Camera is ready for operation.
1602  Error //<! Error Camera has had an error.
1603  };
1609  enum Model {
1627  };
1633  enum Capability {
1657  };
1667 # pragma pack(push, DL_STRUCTALIGN)
1668  struct Status
1669  {
1673  float coolerPower;
1676  unsigned int pulseGuideStatus;
1677  unsigned int flag;
1681  : mainSensorState(ISensor::InvalidSensorState), extSensorState(ISensor::InvalidSensorState),
1683  pulseGuideStatus(0), flag(0), shutterStatus(ShutterUninitialized) {} //<! Default constructor.
1684  };
1696  struct Info
1697  {
1699  unsigned int serialNumber;
1700  unsigned int firmwareRevision;
1701  unsigned int wifiFirmwareRevision;
1702  unsigned char numberOfSensors;
1705  };
1706 # pragma pack(pop)
1713  virtual ~ICamera() = 0;
1715  // Query functions ping the camera for updated values.
1731  virtual bool initialize() = 0;
1741  virtual IPromisePtr queryInfo() = 0;
1751  virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus() = 0;
1761  virtual IPromisePtr queryNetworkSettings() = 0;
1788  // Commands
1804  virtual IPromisePtr pulseGuide(EPulseGuideDirection direction, unsigned int duration, bool abort) = 0;
1806  // Set functions
1817  virtual IPromisePtr setNetworkSettings(const TNetworkSettings& cfg) = 0;
1819  // Get functions return buffered values obtained using query functions.
1829  virtual ICamera::Info getInfo() const = 0;
1862  virtual void getSerial(char * buffer, size_t & buffer_length) const = 0;
1872  virtual EEndpointType getConnectionType() const = 0;
1893  virtual void getConnectionInfo(char * buffer, size_t &buffer_length) const = 0;
1903  virtual ICamera::Status getStatus() const = 0;
1911  virtual bool getCapability(ICamera::Capability key) const = 0;
1921  virtual TNetworkSettings getNetworkSettings() const = 0;
1924  // Get Device Interfaces
1939  virtual ISensorPtr getSensor(unsigned int id) const = 0;
1949  virtual ITECPtr getTEC() const = 0;
1959  virtual IAOPtr getAO() const = 0;
1969  virtual IFWPtr getFW() const = 0;
1970  };
1972  namespace V1
1973  {
1976  }
1978  namespace V2
1979  {
1981  {
1982  public:
1983  virtual bool getConnection() const = 0;
1984  virtual void setConnection(bool enable) = 0;
1985  };
1987  }
1989  typedef ICamera* ICameraPtr;
2021  class IGateway
2022  {
2023  public:
2031  virtual ~IGateway() = 0;
2047  virtual TConnectionDetails getCameraConnectionDetails(unsigned int serial) const = 0;
2060  virtual ICameraPtr getCamera(TConnectionDetails details) const = 0;
2077  virtual void queryUSBCameras() = 0;
2088  virtual size_t getUSBCameraCount() const = 0;
2100  virtual ICameraPtr getUSBCamera(unsigned int id) const = 0;
2120  virtual void queryNetCameras() = 0;
2140  virtual void queryNetCamera(const char * ip, size_t port) = 0;
2151  virtual size_t getNetCameraCount() const = 0;
2162  virtual ICameraPtr getNetCamera(unsigned int id) const = 0;
2174  virtual ICameraPtr getNetCamera(const char * ip, unsigned int port) const = 0;
2180  virtual size_t getCommProtocolVersion() const = 0;
2182  virtual void initFitsDebugSettings() = 0;
2183  };
2206  {
2207  public:
2208  enum Setting {
2214  };
2222  virtual void setDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting, int val) = 0;
2240  virtual int getDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting) const = 0;
2257  virtual bool hasDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting) const = 0;
2258  };
2289 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
2290  typedef IGatewayPtr(MYCDECL * f_GetGateway)();
2291  typedef void(MYCDECL * f_DeleteGateway)(IGatewayPtr);
2292 #endif
2294 }
2295 #endif
bool isUsaCanadaMode
true to enable USA/Canada mode. (More details to come)
Definition: dlapi.h:301
Definition: dlapi.h:1514
bool enableIRLEDs
enable RBI Preflash IR LEDs for testing purposes
Definition: dlapi.h:1123
Monochrome filter on sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:123
static const unsigned char c_yBusy
This bit is set to high when the y-axis guider port is busy.
Definition: dlapi.h:222
STF-8300 FW8.
Definition: dlapi.h:825
virtual ISensorPtr getSensor(unsigned int id) const =0
Returns a pointer to the indexed sensor (zero is always the primary imaging chip).
unsigned int pulseGuideStatus
Status of the pulse guide relays. /seealso PulseGuideStatus.
Definition: dlapi.h:1676
virtual float getSetpoint() const =0
Returns the value of the cooler's setpoint in degrees Celsius.
Sensor is preparing for shutter movement.
Definition: dlapi.h:1007
An abstract interface that gives users access to debug logging controls \seealso IGateway,...
Definition: dlapi.h:2205
Control the RBI Preflash IR LEDs on the camera. Used for testing purposes. 0 means off,...
Definition: dlapi.h:1030
Definition: dlapi.h:941
Definition: dlapi.h:1668
IPromise * IPromisePtr
Convenience typedef for IPromise pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:602
unsigned int serialNumber
Encoded serial number of the sensor, use ICamera::getSerial() for human readable string version.
Definition: dlapi.h:1699
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:972
virtual EStatusCode getAPIStatusCode() const =0
Returns the API status code reported by the execution of the command.
virtual void getLimits(size_t &tipMin, size_t &tipMax, size_t &tiltMin, size_t &tiltMax) const =0
Return limits for Tip/Tilt position of the AO device.
virtual void initFitsDebugSettings()=0
Camera supports control of Adaptive Optics peripheral.
Definition: dlapi.h:1638
Definition: dlapi.h:822
Definition: dlapi.h:2208
Sensor's readout frame typeid.
Definition: dlapi.h:133
virtual IFW::Status getStatus() const =0
Returns the buffered status of the filter wheel.
float pixelSizeY
The sensor's pixel height in micrometers.
Definition: dlapi.h:1072
virtual ITECPtr getTEC() const =0
Returns a pointer to the camera's TEC (if one is available).
Use the sensor's overscan region in exposures. This is off by default. Enabling this changes ISensor:...
Definition: dlapi.h:1025
Start of device-side error codes.
Definition: dlapi.h:93
Shutter state is uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:157
virtual IPromisePtr pulseGuide(EPulseGuideDirection direction, unsigned int duration, bool abort)=0
Executes or aborts a pulse guide operation of given duration and direction.
virtual IPromisePtr setState(bool enable, float setpoint)=0
Toggles the TEC's operation status, and updates the TEC's setpoint.
When this setting is set to zero, it turns off the camera's status LED at all times....
Definition: dlapi.h:1035
virtual float getCoolerPower() const =0
Returns the current cooler power in percent of max power draw.
virtual bool getCapability(ICamera::Capability key) const =0
Returns the buffered value of a successful call to ICamera::queryCapability()
size_t index
The Internal index of the camera to connect to (depends on EEndpointType). Not needed in IGateway::Ge...
Definition: dlapi.h:357
Use an ad-hoc network. More details coming.
Definition: dlapi.h:166
A USB3.0 endpoint.
Definition: dlapi.h:181
AFW-14 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:834
unsigned int ssidLength
Length of the SSID string.
Definition: dlapi.h:296
Toggles a sensor's window heater to prevent fog/frost.
Definition: dlapi.h:1028
Camera interface class.
Definition: dlapi.h:1591
int height
The frame's height in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:276
unsigned int pixelsY
The sensor's pixel count in the y-axis. Changes when ISensor::Setting::UseOverscan is toggled.
Definition: dlapi.h:1067
virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus()=0
Query the status of the AO device.
A UDP over Ethernet/WiFi endpoint.
Definition: dlapi.h:179
The endpoint is either invalid, or uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:185
Promise completed with an error.
Definition: dlapi.h:546
virtual bool hasDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting) const =0
Check if the IDebugControl instance supports a debug setting.
Definition: dlapi.h:1599
unsigned int height
Definition: dlapi.h:439
Used for uninitialized variables.
Definition: dlapi.h:850
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:967
int left
The frame's x-offset from the sensor's origin in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:274
08 Reserved for future use
Definition: dlapi.h:1618
Network connection detail structure.
Definition: dlapi.h:353
Camera supports control of Filter Wheel peripheral.
Definition: dlapi.h:1639
Definition: dlapi.h:1598
virtual IPromisePtr setPosition(int position)=0
Send a goto command to the filter wheel.
virtual size_t getLayerCount() const =0
virtual IPromisePtr querySetting(ISensor::Setting setting)=0
Query a specific value with an ISensor::Setting key from the camera.
bool useRBIPreflash
true to perform an RBI Preflash operation (if the camera supports it) before the exposure....
Definition: dlapi.h:260
unsigned int binY
The image's binning in the y-direction (in pixels).
Definition: dlapi.h:241
Promise has not yet begun execution.
Definition: dlapi.h:543
virtual ISensor::Info getInfo() const =0
Returns the buffered ISensor::Info structure.
07 StarChaser E (new P3 variant)
Definition: dlapi.h:1617
Definition: dlapi.h:1602
virtual size_t getNetCameraCount() const =0
Returns the number of cameras found after a call to IGateway::queryNetCameras().
AO-X model of adaptive optics.
Definition: dlapi.h:708
virtual ICamera::Info getInfo() const =0
Returns the buffered ICamera::Info structure.
05 STC-7 and STC-428
Definition: dlapi.h:1615
unsigned int numberOfChannelsAvailable
The maximum number of readout channels the sensor has available for use.
Definition: dlapi.h:1068
virtual unsigned int getChildSlots(unsigned int) const =0
unsigned char flag
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:1080
East (+ right ascension/azimuth)
Definition: dlapi.h:113
bool useWindowHeater
true to turn on the camera's window heater. false to turn it off.
Definition: dlapi.h:1122
Definition: dlapi.h:1023
DL_API IGatewayPtr MYCDECL getGateway()
Returns a pointer to an instance of a Gateway object, or (if one exists) return the existing pointer ...
virtual void getExpMidpoint(char *pBuffer, size_t &lng) const =0
unsigned int substrateVoltage
Sensor's substrate voltage in mV.
Definition: dlapi.h:1091
Convenience typedef for ITEC pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:677
Definition: dlapi.h:1516
Connect to a WPA 2 secured network specified via ICamera::setNetworkSettings(), retrieved using ICame...
Definition: dlapi.h:170
float inputVoltage
Input Voltage Reading from the power supply.
Definition: dlapi.h:1675
Camera supports continuous readout between exposures (i.e. when operated in "Fast Mode",...
Definition: dlapi.h:1645
virtual IFW::Model getModel() const =0
Returns the model number of the attached filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:1046
GPixel GSENSE4040.
Definition: dlapi.h:986
Connect to an open network specified via ICamera::setNetworkSettings(), retrieved using ICamera::getN...
Definition: dlapi.h:167
virtual unsigned int getSlots() const =0
returns the number of slots the filter wheel has available.
ICamera::Model model
Model of the camera.
Definition: dlapi.h:1698
AFW-02 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:846
Device has an exposure in progress and cannot comply [[deprecated]].
Definition: dlapi.h:95
virtual void getConnectionInfo(char *buffer, size_t &buffer_length) const =0
Returns a human readable information string about the camera's connection (IP Address,...
virtual IPromisePtr setSetting(ISensor::Setting key, int value)=0
Update an ISensor::Setting value in the camera by key.
Definition: dlapi.h:541
unsigned int serialNumber
The ICamera::Info::serialNumber to query--not the human readable serial number string.
Definition: dlapi.h:355
ISensor::Model model
The sensor's model.
Definition: dlapi.h:1065
Frame type is invalid or uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:140
Filter Wheel is uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:862
virtual IPromisePtr initialize()=0
Initialize the filter wheel, and obtain basic model information.
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:966
Peripheral is in an error state.
Definition: dlapi.h:696
Camera supports exposing as a series of short sub-exposures, stacked in the camera to a single images...
Definition: dlapi.h:1644
virtual IPromisePtr setNetworkSettings(const TNetworkSettings &cfg)=0
Updates the camera's network settings.
Invalid footer typeid supplied in request.
Definition: dlapi.h:86
virtual IImagePtr getImage() const =0
Returns the ISensor's buffered image.
Camera supports querying of cooler temperature.
Definition: dlapi.h:1636
Sensor is waiting for trigger.
Definition: dlapi.h:1006
int partialExposureLength
controls the length of sub-exposures during internal stacking exposures (in 1 second increments)
Definition: dlapi.h:1129
unsigned int pixelsX
The sensor's pixel count in the x-axis. Changes when ISensor::Setting::UseOverscan is toggled.
Definition: dlapi.h:1066
Enable use of on-chip binning for main sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:1031
ISensor::Status mainSensorState
Main sensor state.
Definition: dlapi.h:1670
Camera supports the retrieval of connected peripheral information.
Definition: dlapi.h:1653
Promise is uninstantiated.
Definition: dlapi.h:548
ISensor * ISensorPtr
Convenience typedef for ISensor pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:1572
Image Transfer was requested, but no image is ready for download.
Definition: dlapi.h:97
Sony ICX428.
Definition: dlapi.h:991
Sensor is waiting for the shutter to return home. Sensor is busy, and is unable to start an exposure ...
Definition: dlapi.h:1014
virtual int getSetting(ISensor::Setting key) const =0
Returns the requested setting value.
bool useOnChipBinning
Use on-chip binning.
Definition: dlapi.h:1124
Enable use of Filter Wheel as shutter. 0 is off, N on (where N is an integer value representing the s...
Definition: dlapi.h:1037
Definition: dlapi.h:965
float eGain
The image's binning-dependent eGain (in e-/ADU)
Definition: dlapi.h:242
virtual size_t getUSBCameraCount() const =0
Returns the number of cameras found via the last call to IGateway::queryUSBCameras().
Sensor Interface Class.
Definition: dlapi.h:958
Promise interface class.
Definition: dlapi.h:533
char ssid[32]
String containing the SSID of the camera's network settings.
Definition: dlapi.h:299
Filter Wheel has encountered an error.
Definition: dlapi.h:860
Control the speed of the camera's fan.
Definition: dlapi.h:1029
Filter Wheel is busy.
Definition: dlapi.h:859
A collection of exposure parameters required for starting an exposure.
Definition: dlapi.h:253
virtual IAO::Status getStatus() const =0
Return the buffered status of the AO device.
static const unsigned char badCommand
Bad Command.
Definition: dlapi.h:210
int fanSpeed
controls the fan speed of the camera. Fan speeds: high = 255, medium = 200, low = 150,...
Definition: dlapi.h:1120
Peripheral is busy.
Definition: dlapi.h:695
A USB endpoint.
Definition: dlapi.h:180
AFW-09 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:839
Sensor is exposing.
Definition: dlapi.h:1010
EShutterStatus shutterStatus
Main sensor shutter status.
Definition: dlapi.h:1678
unsigned int id
The sensor's internal ID (0 is the main sensor, 1 is the external sensor, etc).
Definition: dlapi.h:1064
Camera supports communication over WiFi networks (and thus, the commands for network settings)
Definition: dlapi.h:1641
float eGain
Definition: dlapi.h:442
AFW-13 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:835
Definition: dlapi.h:827
A collection of wireless network configuration settings.
Definition: dlapi.h:294
The maximum number of settings available to the user.
Definition: dlapi.h:1041
virtual IAOPtr getAO() const =0
Returns a pointer to the camera's AO (if one is available).
A convenience definition for determining the last endpoint type.
Definition: dlapi.h:183
virtual void getSerial(char *buffer, size_t &buffer_length) const =0
Returns a human readable version of the camera's serial number string. e.g. "AL8300M-19010101".
Definition: dlapi.h:436
Catch-all for device busy errors.
Definition: dlapi.h:94
A collection of frame parameters, required for specifying the dimensions of an image.
Definition: dlapi.h:271
Interface to an DLAPI Image buffer.
Definition: dlapi.h:401
static const int SensorThermistorErrorFlag
Definition: dlapi.h:198
Connect to a WPA 1 secured network specified via ICamera::setNetworkSettings(), retrieved using ICame...
Definition: dlapi.h:169
virtual TNetworkSettings getNetworkSettings() const =0
Returns the buffered network settings.
Status codes returned by a camera with every message response.
Definition: dlapi.h:77
virtual IPromisePtr queryNetworkSettings()=0
Queries the camera's network settings.
unsigned int passphraseLength
Length of the passphrase string.
Definition: dlapi.h:297
AFW-10 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:838
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:975
Definition: dlapi.h:2213
Promise completed successfully.
Definition: dlapi.h:545
Definition: dlapi.h:1625
unsigned int adcGains[4]
Array of Analog-to-Digital Converter gains in ADC, one per channel. Diffraction Limited strongly advi...
Definition: dlapi.h:1093
virtual IPromisePtr startDownload()=0
Start downloading an image from the camera to DLAPI's internal buffers.
Definition: dlapi.h:704
A convenience definition for determining the first endpoint type.
Definition: dlapi.h:184
C-style settings structure with built-in type conversion.
Definition: dlapi.h:1106
virtual IPromisePtr initialize()=0
Initialize the AO and retrieve basic model information.
for future use in Aluma Pro.
Definition: dlapi.h:153
Camera supports the control of ADC gain/offset manipulation.
Definition: dlapi.h:1643
AFW-03 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:845
dl::ICamera ICamera
Definition: dlapi.h:1974
Convenience typedef for IAO pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:793
AFW-08 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:840
Camera has a window heater for defogging the sensor window.
Definition: dlapi.h:1642
Python 1300.
Definition: dlapi.h:989
virtual IPromisePtr startExposure(const TExposureOptions &params)=0
Start an exposure using this sensor.
Camera supports control of an internal fan.
Definition: dlapi.h:1634
float eGain
Measured eGain in e-/ADU.
Definition: dlapi.h:1095
03 Aluma AC4040 and AC4040BSI
Definition: dlapi.h:1613
Camera supports control of an internal cooler.
Definition: dlapi.h:1635
Definition: dlapi.h:2212
unsigned int width
Width of the image frame in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:236
int adcOffsets[4]
Array of Analog-to-Digital Converter offsets in ADC, one per channel. Diffraction Limited strongly ad...
Definition: dlapi.h:1094
06 Aluma AC2020 only
Definition: dlapi.h:1616
virtual unsigned short * getBufferData() const =0
Returns a pointer to the raw data buffer of the image.
virtual TConnectionDetails getCameraConnectionDetails(unsigned int serial) const =0
Returns the connection details for a camera with the provided serial number.
Definition: dlapi.h:1633
#define DL_API
Definition: dlapi.h:39
Definition: dlapi.h:1518
Number of camera capability keys to query.
Definition: dlapi.h:1655
dl::ICamera * ICameraPtr
Definition: dlapi.h:1975
virtual ISensor::Settings getSettings() const =0
Returns the buffered ISensor::Settings structure.
float exposurePrecision
Minimum increment of exposure duration in seconds.
Definition: dlapi.h:1078
virtual void getLastError(char *buffer, size_t &bufferSize) const =0
Puts a human readable string into the supplied buffer containing the last known error for command the...
Unknown status response from camera.
Definition: dlapi.h:101
virtual bool getEnabled() const =0
true if TEC has been enabled, false otherwise.
Definition: dlapi.h:1600
virtual int getPosition() const =0
Returns the buffered position of the filter wheel.
Shutter is moving to closed state.
Definition: dlapi.h:151
virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus()=0
Queries the status of the filter wheel.
virtual float getSensorThermopileTemperature() const =0
Return the value of the sensor's thermopile in degrees Celsius.
STF FW5 with detent.
Definition: dlapi.h:828
static const unsigned char busy
AO is busy.
Definition: dlapi.h:207
Definition: dlapi.h:1609
virtual bool getConnection() const =0
virtual IPromisePtr DebugStartExposure(unsigned int id, const char *exposureType, const TExposureOptions &params)=0
Start an exposure using this sensor with aditional information. \id id of the exposure taken \exposur...
Definition: dlapi.h:1980
Definition: dlapi.h:1650
Promise is currently being executed.
Definition: dlapi.h:544
bool autoFanSpeed
Use automatic fan speed control algorithm.
Definition: dlapi.h:1126
Definition: dlapi.h:1624
CCD 47-10.
Definition: dlapi.h:970
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:980
Bases for pulse guiding.
Definition: dlapi.h:109
virtual ~IGateway()=0
Virtual destructor to ensure the class is an abstract.
Shutter is open.
Definition: dlapi.h:150
virtual bool initialize()=0
Initializes the camera by fetching operational status, and initializing the various peripherals.
Uninitialized sensor model value.
Definition: dlapi.h:995
Definition: dlapi.h:1048
Camera supports the use of adjustable analog gains.
Definition: dlapi.h:1652
static const unsigned char statusMask
Mask for the AO error flags.
Definition: dlapi.h:206
unsigned int binX
The image's binning in the x-direction (in pixels).
Definition: dlapi.h:240
Definition: dlapi.h:1623
bool isLightFrame
true if the exposure is a light frame, false otherwise.
Definition: dlapi.h:259
float heatSinkTemperature
Heat Sink Temperature Reading.
Definition: dlapi.h:1674
Sensor is starting the exposure.
Definition: dlapi.h:1009
virtual EEndpointType getConnectionType() const =0
Returns the connection type of the camera (USB, Networked, etc).
Definition: dlapi.h:1052
Definition: dlapi.h:807
AFW-04 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:844
The sensor status is uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:1016
Camera supports querying of precision cooler power, calculated in the camera (rather than converted b...
Definition: dlapi.h:1647
ENetworkMode mode
The networking mode. Changing this value requires a reboot of the camera.
Definition: dlapi.h:298
Sensor is ready to transfer the image.
Definition: dlapi.h:1013
Definition: dlapi.h:815
unsigned int readoutMode
The index of the readout mode to use in the exposure. This is the index of the readout mode chosen fr...
Definition: dlapi.h:256
Sony ICX428 (STC-7 Variant)
Definition: dlapi.h:992
int maxCoolerSetpoint
Maximum cooler setpoint in degrees Celsius.
Definition: dlapi.h:1074
EFrameType frameType
The sensor's frame type.
Definition: dlapi.h:1070
EEndpointType endpointType
Type of endpoint to connect to. Not needed in IGateway::GetCameraBySerial()
Definition: dlapi.h:356
AO Interface Class.
Definition: dlapi.h:686
Camera supports querying of heat sink temperature.
Definition: dlapi.h:1637
virtual void setConnection(bool enable)=0
virtual IFWPtr getFW() const =0
Returns a pointer to the camera's FW (if one is available).
Shutter is moving to opened state.
Definition: dlapi.h:152
STF-8300 FW5.
Definition: dlapi.h:824
virtual ~ICamera()=0
virtual destructor ensuring the class is abstract.
04 StarChaser model cameras
Definition: dlapi.h:1614
virtual unsigned int getDefaultAdjustableGain(AdjustableGainMode mode) const =0
AFW-11 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:837
int width
The frame's width in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:275
Bayer color filter on sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:124
RBI Preflash parametrization data structure.
Definition: dlapi.h:1114
virtual void queryNetCamera(const char *ip, size_t port)=0
Attempt to connect to a camera with the supplied IP Address and port.
Enable: 0 = off, otherwise = on (getDebugSetting returns 1)
Definition: dlapi.h:2209
The number of post-flash flushes performed before an exposure.
Definition: dlapi.h:1027
int shutterPolarity
controls the polarity of solenoid shutters. Only needs to be changed if shutter operation is inverted...
Definition: dlapi.h:1127
Network Connection type/security for WiFi operation.
Definition: dlapi.h:164
virtual unsigned int getBufferLength() const =0
Returns the length in pixels of the raw data buffer of the image.
Definition: dlapi.h:1651
Uninitialized sensor setting, not for external use.
Definition: dlapi.h:1043
unsigned int maxBinX
Maximum binning of the sensor on the x-axis.
Definition: dlapi.h:1075
virtual TSubframe getSubframe() const =0
Returns the sensor's buffered TSubframe structure.
Definition: dlapi.h:1680
unsigned int exposureDelay
Definition: dlapi.h:445
float duration
Duration of the exposure in seconds.
Definition: dlapi.h:255
virtual void setDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting, int val)=0
Sets debug setting value.
bool useExtTrigger
Wait for external trigger during exposures.
Definition: dlapi.h:1125
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:979
IFWExtended * IFWExtendedPtr
Definition: dlapi.h:950
Definition: dlapi.h:812
CCD 77-00.
Definition: dlapi.h:971
Device has a frame readout in progress and cannot comply [[deprecated]].
Definition: dlapi.h:96
Sensor is closing the shutter post-exposure.
Definition: dlapi.h:1011
Kodak KAF 3200.
Definition: dlapi.h:976
unsigned int offsetX
The image's x-offset from the sensor's origin in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:238
Definition: dlapi.h:1002
AFW-07 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:841
Sensor is in idle state, and can accept ISensor::startExposure() commands.
Definition: dlapi.h:1005
AFW-05 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:843
virtual ISensor::Calibration getCalibration() const =0
Returns the buffered ISensor::Calibration structure.
Network mode is either invalid, or uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:171
unsigned int wifiFirmwareRevision
Revision number of the camera's WiFi firmware.
Definition: dlapi.h:1701
IImageExt * IImageExtPtr
Definition: dlapi.h:458
Reserved for subvariant 1.
Definition: dlapi.h:982
Used when an unknown FW model is reported by the camera.
Definition: dlapi.h:809
virtual IPromisePtr setPosition(short tip, short tilt)=0
Set the Tip/Tilt position of the AO.
Reserved for subvariant 3.
Definition: dlapi.h:984
AO model was not initialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:709
A data structure containing sensor specifications.
Definition: dlapi.h:1062
Sony ICX814.
Definition: dlapi.h:969
bool isPassphraseHex
true to treat the passphrase as hex pairs, false to treat it as an ASCII phrase.
Definition: dlapi.h:302
TEC interface class.
Definition: dlapi.h:613
Sensor's Filter typeid.
Definition: dlapi.h:121
virtual const unsigned int getSensorId() const =0
Returns the sensor index of the specified sensor (within ICamera)
virtual int getDebugSetting(IDebugControl::Setting setting) const =0
Gets a debug setting value.
struct dl::ISensor::Settings::RBIPreflashSettings rbiPreflash
RBI preflash settings.
Definition: dlapi.h:1601
Status of sensor's shutter.
Definition: dlapi.h:147
Definition: dlapi.h:1622
Sony ICX694.
Definition: dlapi.h:968
Bayer/SparseColor interline sensors.
Definition: dlapi.h:137
Rolling Shutter for CMOS sensors.
Definition: dlapi.h:138
Top-level namespace containing all of DLAPI.
Definition: dlapi.h:70
virtual void getPosition(short &tip, short &tilt) const =0
Return the buffered Tip/Tilt position of the AO device.
IConnectionManager * IConnectionManagerPtr
Definition: dlapi.h:1986
int binX
The frame's x-binning in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:277
Definition: dlapi.h:811
Camera's connection endpoint type (networked, USB, etc)
Definition: dlapi.h:178
virtual IPromisePtr queryInfo()=0
Query the camera's ISensor::Info structure.
Invalid/unsupported body type supplied in request header.
Definition: dlapi.h:90
unsigned int binY
Definition: dlapi.h:441
virtual ICameraPtr getCamera(TConnectionDetails details) const =0
Fetches a pointer to a camera with the provided connection details (if one is available).
for future use in Aluma Pro
Definition: dlapi.h:155
Control analog gain for cameras supporting adjustable gain modes (e.g. High-Gain mode in an AC4040)
Definition: dlapi.h:1038
unsigned char numberOfSensors
Number of sensors connected to the camera.
Definition: dlapi.h:1702
North (+ declination/altitude)
Definition: dlapi.h:111
static const unsigned char c_xBusy
This bit is set to high when the x-axis guider port is busy.
Definition: dlapi.h:221
virtual ICameraPtr getUSBCamera(unsigned int id) const =0
Returns a pointer to the camera with the supplied index, from zero to IGateway::getUSBCameraCount().
01 Reserved for future use
Definition: dlapi.h:1611
Definition: dlapi.h:819
Definition: dlapi.h:2211
Default constructor.
Definition: dlapi.h:1704
bool useOverscan
true to enable the sensor's overscan region, or false to disable it. Defaults to false....
Definition: dlapi.h:1121
02 Reserved for future use
Definition: dlapi.h:1612
char passphrase[64]
String containing the passphrase of the camera's network settings.
Definition: dlapi.h:300
Definition: dlapi.h:1051
virtual void getReadoutModes(char *buf, size_t &lng) const =0
Returns a list of human readable readout modes (the index of each entry corresponding to TExposureOpt...
DL_API void MYCDECL deleteGateway(IGatewayPtr)
Decrement the internal count of IGateway pointers supplied, and delete the active IGateway instance w...
bool useExtTrigger
true to wait for an external trigger before executing the exposure. Consult your camera's user manual...
Definition: dlapi.h:261
IImage * IImagePtr
Convenience typedef for IImage pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:433
Camera does not support the requested feature.
Definition: dlapi.h:98
float exposureDuration
The image's exposure duration in seconds. May differ from the requested duration due to camera exposu...
Definition: dlapi.h:243
unsigned int channelsInUse
Number of readout channels the API can make use of.
Definition: dlapi.h:1092
Default constructor for the struct.
Definition: dlapi.h:359
ISensor::Status extSensorState
External sensor state.
Definition: dlapi.h:1671
virtual const char * getModelName(unsigned int) const =0
Filter Wheel is idle.
Definition: dlapi.h:858
Enable use of self-regulating fan algorithm.
Definition: dlapi.h:1033
FilterType filterType
The sensor's filter type.
Definition: dlapi.h:1069
Definition: dlapi.h:1050
Definition: dlapi.h:814
Definition: dlapi.h:818
Definition: dlapi.h:816
float minExposureDuration
Minimum exposure duration in seconds.
Definition: dlapi.h:1077
AFW-16 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:832
virtual TLayerMetadata getLayerMetadata(unsigned int layer) const =0
Interline sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:136
static const unsigned char badCalibration
AO is not calibrated.
Definition: dlapi.h:208
unsigned int binX
Definition: dlapi.h:440
Connect to a WEP secured network specified via ICamera::setNetworkSettings(), retrieved using ICamera...
Definition: dlapi.h:168
virtual IPromisePtr abortExposure()=0
Abort any exposures/downloads either in progress, or waiting for user input.
Peripheral is idle.
Definition: dlapi.h:694
Shutter is in exercising state, more details coming.
Definition: dlapi.h:154
char binX
[[deprecated]] Binning of the exposure in the x-direction in pixels. Is unused, and will go away in f...
Definition: dlapi.h:257
Definition: dlapi.h:817
virtual void queryUSBCameras()=0
Query the computer for any DLAPI compliant cameras connected via USB.
A data structure containing all factory-calibrated sensor characterization.
Definition: dlapi.h:1089
virtual void getAdjustableGains(AdjustableGainMode mode, int *pGainEntries, unsigned int &gainEntryCount) const =0
int duration
Duration of the pre-exposure flash in milliseconds. Defaults to 4000.
Definition: dlapi.h:1116
00 Aluma and AlumaCCD model cameras
Definition: dlapi.h:1610
Progressive, full-frame sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:135
This number is an integer (in increments of 1 second) controlling the length of sub-exposures when ta...
Definition: dlapi.h:1036
virtual ICameraPtr getNetCamera(unsigned int id) const =0
Get a pointer to a camera found on the network via IGateway::queryNetCameras() with the given index,...
AFW-12 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:836
virtual unsigned int getAdjustableGainCount(AdjustableGainMode mode) const =0
Global Shutter for CMOS sensors.
Definition: dlapi.h:139
Definition: dlapi.h:857
float exposureDuration
Definition: dlapi.h:444
Enable use of external trigger. Set to non-zero to hold exposures in the "Wait for Trigger" state unt...
Definition: dlapi.h:1032
Definition: dlapi.h:813
Device reports command executed successfully, and without error.
Definition: dlapi.h:79
Definition: dlapi.h:821
int binY
The frame's y-binning in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:278
virtual Status wait()=0
Wait (blocking) until the IPromise either completes, or returns an error (timing out at 10 seconds si...
IGateway * IGatewayPtr
Convenience typedef for IGateway pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:2185
virtual IPromisePtr queryStatus()=0
Queries the camera's ICamera::Status structure.
virtual ICamera::Status getStatus() const =0
Returns the buffered status structure.
virtual IPromisePtr setSubframe(const TSubframe &value)=0
Update the camera's active subframe.
unsigned int offsetY
The image's y-offset from the sensor's origin in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:239
Shutter is closed.
Definition: dlapi.h:149
float sensorTemperature
Sensor Temperature Reading.
Definition: dlapi.h:1672
STC Internal FW.
Definition: dlapi.h:829
virtual IPromisePtr queryCalibration()=0
Query the camera's ISensor::Calibration structure.
unsigned int darkCol
Definition: dlapi.h:443
Definition: dlapi.h:450
Invalid parameter passed in request body.
Definition: dlapi.h:89
Definition: dlapi.h:823
static const int ThermistorErrorFlagMask
Definition: dlapi.h:197
Camera supports the use of a shutter.
Definition: dlapi.h:1646
Definition: dlapi.h:693
AFW-06 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:842
virtual Model getModel() const =0
Get the model number of the connected AO device.
Invalid body typeid supplied in request.
Definition: dlapi.h:85
virtual IPromisePtr queryCapability(ICamera::Capability key)=0
Queries a camera for a specific capability.
ICamera * ICameraPtr
Convenience typedef for ICamera pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:1989
Definition: dlapi.h:820
TrueSense Sparse Color filter on sensor.
Definition: dlapi.h:125
virtual float getHeatSinkThermopileTemperature() const =0
Return the value of the heatsink's thermopile in degrees Celsius.
FW Interface Class.
Definition: dlapi.h:801
Definition: dlapi.h:826
The duration of an RBI flash before exposures, value is stored in milliseconds.
Definition: dlapi.h:1026
West (- right ascension/azimuth)
Definition: dlapi.h:114
AFW-15 slot filter wheel.
Definition: dlapi.h:833
static const unsigned char reserved
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:209
int useFWAsShutter
true to use the connected filter wheel as a shutter (use the index of the slot, starting from 1),...
Definition: dlapi.h:1130
static const int HeatSinkThermistorErrorFlag
Definition: dlapi.h:199
AO Model could not be ascertained.
Definition: dlapi.h:706
Definition: dlapi.h:1515
A collection of metadata associated with an image.
Definition: dlapi.h:234
South (- declination/altitude)
Definition: dlapi.h:112
unsigned int height
Height of the image frame in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:237
virtual unsigned int getChildCount() const =0
Convenience typedef for IFW pointers.
Definition: dlapi.h:939
Capability has not been initialized/reported an invalid/unsupported feature.
Definition: dlapi.h:1656
The first index of a sensor setting. (In this case, ISensor::UseOverscan)
Definition: dlapi.h:1042
float pixelSizeX
The sensor's pixel width in micrometers.
Definition: dlapi.h:1071
Kodak KAF 8300.
Definition: dlapi.h:977
Sets the polarity of a solenoid shutter. Typically only needs to be set once by the factory....
Definition: dlapi.h:1034
Camera has not been initialized/reported invalid model.
Definition: dlapi.h:1620
AO-8 model of adaptive optics.
Definition: dlapi.h:707
Historical Convenience.
Definition: dlapi.h:1621
virtual IPromisePtr queryInfo()=0
Queries the camera's unit information structure (ICamera::Info)
bool enableStatusLED
enables/disables the status LED on the side of the camera. non-zero enables it, zero disables it....
Definition: dlapi.h:1128
Definition: dlapi.h:1696
virtual Status getStatus() const =0
Retrieve the status of the command the IPromise is tracking.
virtual size_t getCommProtocolVersion() const =0
Returns the maximum FPGA revision supported by this version of DLAPI.
#define MYCDECL
Definition: dlapi.h:41
char binY
[[deprecated]] Binning of the exposure in the y-direction in pixels. Is unused, and will go away in f...
Definition: dlapi.h:258
Definition: dlapi.h:1519
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:974
virtual void queryNetCameras()=0
Broadcast and enumerate any DLAPI compliant cameras connected to your network.
int minCoolerSetpoint
Minimum cooler setpoint in degrees Celsius.
Definition: dlapi.h:1073
Start of client-side error codes.
Definition: dlapi.h:82
virtual IPromisePtr querySubframe()=0
Query the camera's current subframe.
virtual IFW::Model getChildModel(unsigned int) const =0
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:973
Definition: dlapi.h:1649
Invalid message start-of-header byte.
Definition: dlapi.h:83
Invalid header typeid supplied in request.
Definition: dlapi.h:84
int top
The frame's y-offset from the sensor's origin in pixels.
Definition: dlapi.h:273
Sensor is reading data to buffer.
Definition: dlapi.h:1012
unsigned int width
Definition: dlapi.h:438
virtual void release()=0
Flags the promise for release within DLAPI.
unsigned int flag
Reserved for future use.
Definition: dlapi.h:1677
Invalid sensor ID number supplied in request.
Definition: dlapi.h:87
Peripheral is uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:697
bool hasRBIPreflash
true if the sensor has RBI preflash, false otherwise.
Definition: dlapi.h:1079
float coolerPower
Cooler Power Reading.
Definition: dlapi.h:1673
Gateway object for controlling device discovery, and lifetime management.
Definition: dlapi.h:2021
Invalid message length supplied in request.
Definition: dlapi.h:88
Control analog gain for cameras supporting adjustable gain modes (e.g. Low-Gain mode in an AC4040)
Definition: dlapi.h:1039
GPixel GSENSE2020.
Definition: dlapi.h:987
unsigned int maxBinY
Maximum binning of the sensor on the y-axis.
Definition: dlapi.h:1076
Sensor is opening the shutter.
Definition: dlapi.h:1008
unsigned int firmwareRevision
Revision number of the camera's Gate Array firmware.
Definition: dlapi.h:1700
int flushes
Number of post-flash flushes. Defaults to 3.
Definition: dlapi.h:1117
unsigned int exposureWindow
Definition: dlapi.h:446
Camera supports control of a guide system via a guide port.
Definition: dlapi.h:1640
Filter type is invalid or uninitialized.
Definition: dlapi.h:126
Definition: dlapi.h:1626
virtual TImageMetadata getMetadata() const =0
Returns the image metadata structure associated with the image.