C:/NightlyBuild/DL_Imaging/Aluma_Software/dlapi/src/dlapi.h File Reference

Main header file for DLAPI, included in client applications calling the library. More...

#include <stddef.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  dl::TImageMetadata
 A collection of metadata associated with an image. More...
struct  dl::TExposureOptions
 A collection of exposure parameters required for starting an exposure. More...
struct  dl::TSubframe
 A collection of frame parameters, required for specifying the dimensions of an image. More...
struct  dl::TNetworkSettings
 A collection of wireless network configuration settings. More...
struct  dl::TConnectionDetails
 Network connection detail structure. More...
class  dl::IImage
 Interface to an DLAPI Image buffer. More...
struct  dl::TLayerMetadata
class  dl::IImageExt
class  dl::IPromise
 Promise interface class. More...
class  dl::ITEC
 TEC interface class. More...
class  dl::IAO
 AO Interface Class. More...
class  dl::IFW
 FW Interface Class. More...
class  dl::IFWExtended
class  dl::ISensor
 Sensor Interface Class. More...
struct  dl::ISensor::Info
 A data structure containing sensor specifications. More...
struct  dl::ISensor::Calibration
 A data structure containing all factory-calibrated sensor characterization. More...
struct  dl::ISensor::Settings
 C-style settings structure with built-in type conversion. More...
struct  dl::ISensor::Settings::RBIPreflashSettings
 RBI Preflash parametrization data structure. More...
class  dl::ICamera
 Camera interface class. More...
struct  dl::ICamera::Status
struct  dl::ICamera::Info
class  dl::V2::IConnectionManager
class  dl::IGateway
 Gateway object for controlling device discovery, and lifetime management. More...
class  dl::IDebugControl
 An abstract interface that gives users access to debug logging controls \seealso IGateway, getGateway() If Debug logging is supported, the IGateway pointer returned from getGateway() will inheritt from IDebugControl as well. You can check to see whether the version of DLAPI being used by your application supports these features using a dynamic cast: More...


 Top-level namespace containing all of DLAPI.
 Contains Error flags/masks for a variety of peripherals/devices, as reported by the camera.
 Contains TEC error flags as reported by the camera in ICamera::Status::flag.
 Contains AO error flags for internal use.
 Status flags for the pulse guide port.


#define DL_STRUCTALIGN   4
#define DL_API
#define DL_GUI_API
#define MYCDECL


typedef IImage * dl::IImagePtr
 Convenience typedef for IImage pointers. More...
typedef IImageExt * dl::IImageExtPtr
typedef IPromise * dl::IPromisePtr
 Convenience typedef for IPromise pointers. More...
typedef ITEC * dl::ITECPtr
 Convenience typedef for ITEC pointers. More...
typedef IAO * dl::IAOPtr
 Convenience typedef for IAO pointers. More...
typedef IFW * dl::IFWPtr
 Convenience typedef for IFW pointers. More...
typedef IFWExtended * dl::IFWExtendedPtr
typedef ISensor * dl::ISensorPtr
 Convenience typedef for ISensor pointers. More...
typedef dl::ICamera dl::V1::ICamera
typedef dl::ICameradl::V1::ICameraPtr
typedef IConnectionManager * dl::V2::IConnectionManagerPtr
typedef ICamera * dl::ICameraPtr
 Convenience typedef for ICamera pointers. More...
typedef IGateway * dl::IGatewayPtr
 Convenience typedef for IGateway pointers. More...


enum  dl::EStatusCode {
  dl::Success = 0, dl::ClientError = 0x01, dl::InvalidSoh = ClientError, dl::InvalidHeaderType,
  dl::InvalidBodyType, dl::InvalidFooterType, dl::InvalidSensorId, dl::InvalidMessageLength,
  dl::InvalidParameter, dl::UnsupportedBodyType, dl::DeviceError = 0x80, dl::DeviceBusy,
  dl::ExposureInProgress = DeviceBusy, dl::ReadoutInProgress = DeviceBusy, dl::ImageNotAvailable, dl::FeatureNotSupported,
  dl::InvalidStatus = 0xff
 Status codes returned by a camera with every message response. More...
enum  dl::EPulseGuideDirection { dl::North = 0, dl::South = 1, dl::East = 2, dl::West = 3 }
 Bases for pulse guiding. More...
enum  dl::FilterType { dl::Monochrome, dl::Color, dl::SparseColor, dl::InvalidFilterType = 0xff }
 Sensor's Filter typeid. More...
enum  dl::EFrameType {
  dl::Progressive, dl::Interline, dl::BayerInterline, dl::RollingShutter,
  dl::GlobalShutter, dl::InvalidFrameType = 0xff
 Sensor's readout frame typeid. More...
enum  dl::EShutterStatus {
  dl::ShutterClosed = 0, dl::ShutterOpen, dl::ShutterClosing, dl::ShutterOpening,
  dl::ShutterRolling, dl::ShutterExercising, dl::ShutterError, dl::ShutterUninitialized = 0xFF
 Status of sensor's shutter. More...
enum  dl::ENetworkMode {
  dl::AdHoc = 0, dl::Open = 1, dl::WEP = 2, dl::WPA = 3,
  dl::WPA2 = 4, dl::InvalidNetworkMode = 0xff
 Network Connection type/security for WiFi operation. More...
enum  dl::EEndpointType {
  dl::Net = 1, dl::USB = 2, dl::USB3 = 3, dl::LastEndpointType,
  dl::FirstEndpointType = Net, dl::InvalidEndpoint = 0xff
 Camera's connection endpoint type (networked, USB, etc) More...


DL_API IGatewayPtr MYCDECL dl::getGateway ()
 Returns a pointer to an instance of a Gateway object, or (if one exists) return the existing pointer to it. More...
DL_API void MYCDECL dl::deleteGateway (IGatewayPtr)
 Decrement the internal count of IGateway pointers supplied, and delete the active IGateway instance when it is no longer in use. More...


static const int dl::ErrorFlags::TEC::ThermistorErrorFlagMask = 0x00000003
static const int dl::ErrorFlags::TEC::SensorThermistorErrorFlag = 0x00000001
static const int dl::ErrorFlags::TEC::HeatSinkThermistorErrorFlag = 0x00000002
static const unsigned char dl::ErrorFlags::AO::statusMask = 0x0f
 Mask for the AO error flags. More...
static const unsigned char dl::ErrorFlags::AO::busy = 0x01
 AO is busy. More...
static const unsigned char dl::ErrorFlags::AO::badCalibration = 0x02
 AO is not calibrated. More...
static const unsigned char dl::ErrorFlags::AO::reserved = 0x04
 Reserved for future use. More...
static const unsigned char dl::ErrorFlags::AO::badCommand = 0x08
 Bad Command. More...
static const unsigned char dl::PulseGuideStatus::c_xBusy = 0x01
 This bit is set to high when the x-axis guider port is busy. More...
static const unsigned char dl::PulseGuideStatus::c_yBusy = 0x02
 This bit is set to high when the y-axis guider port is busy. More...

Detailed Description

Main header file for DLAPI, included in client applications calling the library.

Adam Robichaud

Copyright (c) Diffraction Limited, 2019

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DL_API


#define DL_GUI_API


#define DL_STRUCTALIGN   4


#define MYCDECL