Is your old camera suffering from the maladies of age?
Slow camera downloads? Failed power supply? Shutter problems? Leaky chamber? Argon all gone? Drivers don’t work?
Turning back the clock and rejuvenating an old favorite could be as easy as an SBIG sensor transplant.
Our clean-room technicians will extract your good CCD sensor from its aging camera body and transplant it into a brand-new SBIG CCD camera. This “eyeball transplant” gives new life to the valuable sensor in your old camera.
Whether your camera was made by us years ago or by one of our (defunct) competitors, we may be able to give you a path forward. We can’t do all sensors, but we can offer many popular transplants. For example, sensors like the superb Teledyne e2v CCD47-10 can be transplanted to a new Aluma 47-10 camera.
Large CCDs—like the ON Semiconductor (formerly Kodak Truesense) KAF-16801, KAF-16803, and KAF-9000—can move to a new STX-series camera.
The KAF-6303E, KAF-16200, and KAI-11000/11002 sensor can find a new home in an STXL-series camera.
The incredibly performant KAF-3200 sensor found in cameras like the ST-10XME has a choice of the Aluma U3200, for maximum performance, or the classic STF-3200W for a lower cost. Even the old ST-8XME can be moved to the STF-1603W camera.
What if you have an existing ST-8300? We can swap in a new digital board to upgrade the speed of this camera and achieve the same performance as the STF-8300. For existing STF-8300 cameras, we can update them to STF-8300EN with enhanced cooling (approximately 15°F better).
We can’t do every sensor out there, and you can always ask us about your camera to be sure.
How’s it work? Read the details here, and contact us with any questions: