MaxDome Charging System

The MaxDome Charging System is a wireless charger designed for use with the MaxDome II observatory control system.

MaxDome Charging System

$699.00 USD

The MaxDome Charging System is a wireless charger designed for use with the MaxDome II observatory control system.

Buy a Bundle and Save!   $200 off if you purchase the charging system with a complete MaxDome II system.

SKU: MAXDOME-CHARGER Categories: , ,

Product Description

Since there are no electrical connections to the rotating dome, the MaxDome II Shutter Controller is typically operated from a battery.  Previously most installations used a solar cell to recharge the battery during the day.  Unfortunately at many locations this can be unreliable, especially at high latitudes where winter sunlight hours are limited and cloudy conditions prevail.

This new wireless charging system uses magnetic induction to transfer power to trickle charge the dome battery.   Designed to work with a lead acid sealed battery (often called a “Gel Cell”), the charger continuously keeps the battery topped up 24/7 while the observatory is idle.

The charging system is turned on automatically whenever the shutter is closed and the dome is at the Park position.  The large transmitter and receiver modules allow for significant misalignment.

The kit includes:

  • Transmitter unit
  • Receiver unit
  • Mounting brackets and hardware

Detailed instructions are included in the MaxDome II manual.

Note:  Requires the latest ASCOM Driver and MaxDome II firmware.