MaxDome II Observatory Dome Control System

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The MaxDome II observatory control system is used in over a thousand observatories worldwide.

New!  Optional MaxDome Charging System eliminates the need for solar charging the shutter battery.

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Product Description

The MaxDome II dome controller provides flexible, fully integrated observatory dome control. Features include:

  • ASCOM-Standard dome and telescope interfaces
  • Support for AutomadomeSlave dome rotation to your telescope
  • Rotation-only and full shutter-and-rotation systems available
  • Single or dual shutter operation, with sequencing
  • Wireless shutter control – no unreliable sliding contacts
  • Direct confirmation of shutter open/closed state
  • Safety interlocks automatically close dome upon loss of data from PC
  • Park-before-close option to avoid mechanical interferences
  • Manual override controls for shutter and rotation control
  • Auxiliary auto-close inputs for Boltwood Cloud Sensor or other observatory protection hardware
  • Easily adapted to custom or commercial observatory domes
  • Directly compatible with Sirius Observatories
  • Directly drives 12VDC motors up to 5A. Can operate other motor types through external relays.
  • Field-upgradable firmware

A full MaxDome installation includes two identical controller boards. The main board, which controls dome rotation, connects to the controlling PC. A second identical board, riding on the rotating dome and powered by a solar-charged battery (not included), operates the shutters.

A wireless inductive link provides constant communications between the two boards, allowing for full control and status monitoring. This eliminates the need for clumsy and trouble-prone electrical contacts.



MaxDome Block Diagram

Optional MaxDome Charging System

New!  The optional MaxDome Charging System eliminates the need for solar charging the shutter battery.

MaxDome II Software/Drivers

MaxDome II Software/Drivers and user manual are distributed on a USB stick included with the product.  They are also available by download via the Downloads tab on this page.


User’s Manual

Installation and operation instructions for the MaxDome II Dome Control System.


MaxDome II x86 Drivers version 3.00

The latest 32-bit driver release for the MaxDome II Dome Control System. Note: requires firmware version 10 or later.


MaxDome II x64 Drivers version 3.00

The latest 64-bit driver release for the MaxDome II Dome Control System. Note: requires firmware version 10 or later.


MaxDome II Firmware version 11

The latest firmware release for the MaxDome II Dome Control System. Requires drivers version 3.00 or higher. This version adds support for the optional MaxDome Charging System. Note: Please see the user manual for instructions on how to update your firmware!


MaxDome II INDI Drivers

Linux drivers for the MaxDome II Dome Control System.


MaxDome II TheSkyX drivers

Windows, OS X, RPI-3, and Linux Ubuntu drivers for the MaxDome II Dome Control System. Source code is available.


MaxDome I Drivers

Drivers for the original MaxDome I system


Additional Resources

Suggested circuit for using external relays to control an AC powered motor. Installation should be performed by a qualified electrician only.


Suggested circuit for using external relays to control a DC motor requiring current over 5A, or one that does not work with 12V.
