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For current products, all downloads are now included on the individual product pages – navigate to your product and click the Downloads tab.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrap_container=”yes” el_class=”pb-5 overflow-hidden”][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”mx-md-auto”][vc_column_text css_animation=”none” el_class=”text-center”]

Recently Discontinued Models

The original product pages for recently discontinued models are available for products discontinued since 2015. Please view them in the Obsolete Models Archive.

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Software Downloads

Downloads are now included on the product pages – navigate to your product and click the Downloads.


Application Notes Archive

This is a ZIP file containing a set of application notes for previous generation cameras manufactured by SBIG.  Please note that these documents are provided “as is”.

Application Notes Archive[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”none” el_class=”text-center”]

Software Downloads

Software downloads for all currently-manufactured products are on their product page, under the Downloads tab.

USB Port Cameras

SBIG Driver Checker (Windows) / SBIG Driver (OSX)
SBIG Driver Checker for USB cameras.

CCDOPS for USB cameras.

Final Release for Serial/Parallel Port Based Cameras

CCDOps (Windows), Ver 5.53B28, Nov 2011
This is the last official release of CCDOps for Windows for Serial and Parallel Port based cameras. Subsequent releases of CCDOps for Windows are not guaranteed to work with these cameras.

DriverChecker64 (Windows), Ver 3.11B4, Nov 2011
This is the last official release of DriverChecker64 for Parallel Port based cameras. Subsequent releases of DriverChecker64 are not guaranteed to work with these cameras.

Seeing Monitor Software

Ron Wodaski’s Seeing Monitor Software.

ST-4 Software

CCD (MS-DOS) Ver 2.08
ST-4 users can use CCD to control the ST-4 camera for image acquisition.

ST-4 users can use CCDUTIL to make TIFF and FITS files from ST-4 images. It also offers other handy image processing functions not found in the CCD software.

ST-4 users interested in using the ST-4 as a blink comparator can use CCDBLINK. This program allows you to load two ST-4 images and blink them in rapid succession to easily see if any object in the field of view has moved between the frames.

ST-4 users can use CCDTRACK to remotely control the tracking functions of the ST-4. This program transfers all of the autoguide functions of the ST-4 to a remote computer up to 100 feet away from the ST-4 control box. CCDTRACK also offers a number of features not available with the ST-4 in stand alone mode such as text and graphic displays showing the tracking accuracy in real time during the guiding session and the accumulated error of the guide star image.

CCDOps (MS-DOS) Serial/Parallel ST-4X/5/5C/6/7/8/9/10/1001 Software Ver 3.97
Serial and Parallel port based ST-4X, ST-5, ST-5C, ST-6, ST-7, ST-8, ST-9, ST-10 and ST-1001 users can use CCDOps for DOS to acquire and process images.

STV Software

STV Remote (Windows) STV Software Ver 2
For remote operation, the STV video camera and autoguider has its own remote operating software provided with the camera named (STVREMOTE) that runs under Windows. STVREMOTE allows you to control all of the functions of the STV from a remote computer, apply flat frame correction to STV image files and also saves STV images as bitmap files. STVREMOTE only works with an STV camera. Includes support for the internal CFW-5C color filter wheel.

STV Firmware Ver 1.06H
The firmware in the STV may be upgraded by the user over the camera’s serial interface. The instructions for installing updated firmware are in the STV manual. To install version 1.06 firmware in your STV download the file and then follow the directions at the end of Chapter 6 of the STV manual for programming the STV using STVREMOTE.

Linux Software

CCDOpsLite for Linux
This link downloads a zipped tar archive containing a Qt 3.3 project that allows to to acquire images from our Parallel and USB based cameras. It displays the images and allows saving them in SBIG and FITS formats. In addition you can open images saved in SBIG Format. We offer this as a starting point for the adventurous.

John Kielkopf’s XmCCD
This link redirects to to John Kielkopf’s XmCCD Web Page where you will find an Application that supports Parallel and USB based cameras under Linux.

Justin Pryzby’s ST7Ctl
This link redirectes you to Justin Pryzby’s ST7Ctl Web Page where you will find an Application for acquiring images from SBIG cameras supported under Linux.

Filip Hroch’s NightView
NightView is a software package to control SBIG’s CCD cameras under Linux. This software allows full control of a camera and a filter wheel. It can be used for either interactive or a batch processing. It fully replaces the commercial SBIG utilities.

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Hardware PDF Manuals

Software PDF Manuals

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