SBIG Aluma AC455

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The Aluma AC455 is a research grade, high performance 61 megapixel scientific imaging camera.

The IMX455 sensor features extremely high quantum efficiency, and produces low-noise 16-bit images with high dynamic range.  It covers an image area of 36 mm x 24 mm with 3.76 micron square pixels, resulting in high resolution 61 megapixel images.  For the utmost in reliability and speed, the Aluma AC455 features a 10 gigabit-per-second Ethernet interface.

You can select either the standard Monochrome version, Aluma AC455M, or the one-shot color Aluma AC455C.  For the best imaging results we recommend selecting the Monochrome model and add an AFW filter wheel.

You can also choose your adapter plate – select either the “STX” standard 3.5″ OD / 3×24 TPI internally threaded plate, or the 3″ barrel style adapter.

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Build Your Complete System


Product Description

Build Your Complete System

We recommend using the Build Complete System option, which allows you to add all necessary accessories such as Fiber Ethernet components, filter wheel, guider, and other accessories.

Build Complete System


SBIG Aluma AC455

The SBIG Aluma AC455 represents the state-of-the-art in Advanced Scientific CMOS cameras for astronomical imaging systems.  Designed for reliability and performance, this camera ensures that you get the most from your telescope.

Avoiding various pitfalls of USB 3.0 interfaces, including short cable lengths, unreliable drivers, and electrical noise, this all-new design incorporates a 10 Gigabit per second Ethernet interface.  This provides an extremely fast and highly reliable computer interface.

Extremely High Sensitivity and Dynamic Range

We use exclusively Industrial-grade IMX455 sensors for maximum reliability and performance.  The combination of super-low 2.1 e- read noise, 51,000 e- well depth, and 16-bit conversion provides very high dynamic range.  Our electronics are carefully designed to ensure a stable bias level, simplifying calibration and quantitative measurements.

Thanks to a back-illuminated pixel design, the quantum efficiency is extremely high, providing exceptional sensitivity and minimizing integration times.

The above graph shows the absolute quantum efficiency curve for the IMX455 monochrome sensor as measured by an independent university researcher.  The sensor features a peak quantum efficiency of 94% at 480 nm.

10 Gigabit Ethernet for Fast Download

The Aluma AC455 uses SFP+ Fiber Ethernet interface. SFP+ hardware is readily available and widely supported, and allows for cable lengths 100X longer than USB 3.0 (300m / 1000ft versus a mere 3m / 10ft).  SFP+ fiber cables are highly flexible, lightweight, and durable, meaning that installation is a breeze even on very large telescopes.

The 61 megapixel sensor reads out into the camera’s internal DDR3 frame buffer in just 0.25 seconds, and the camera’s fiber Ethernet interface transmits the image in 0.25 seconds. This means that a high-performance computer can achieve up to 2 frames per second.

A handy primer on SFP+ fiber Ethernet is available in Appendix F of the Aluma AC455 User Manual User Manual.

Powerful SmartCooling™ Technology

Achieving high quality long-exposure images requires strong cooling and stable temperature regulation.

The Aluma AC455 features powerful two-stage thermoelectric cooling.  It uses the same highly reliable thermoelectric cooling system first developed for our venerable SBIG STX series cameras.

SmartCooling automatically optimizes fan speed, allowing minimal acoustic noise when cooling requirements are low, while ensuring thermal stability and reliability at high power levels.  It also protects the camera against possible damage if the heat sink temperature or cooler power draw exceeds safety limits.

Critical electronics are cooled via a separate heat sink and fan, minimizing their impact on sensor cooling.

All functions of the Aluma AC455 camera, including cooling, operate from a single 12VDC 8A power supply.

User Rechargeable Desiccant

SBIG pioneered including a high-tech user-replaceable cartridge with ceramic filter and molecular sieve desiccant. Unlike competing cameras, which require factory service when their chamber desiccant eventually saturates out, the user can easily recharge the desiccant.  This eliminates the need for costly service – not to mention the associated down-time and shipping costs.  This feature is especially important in high-humidity locations.

The desiccant cartridge can be easily removed without dismounting the camera from the telescope, as it is accessible via a small door on the side of the camera.

We recommend recharging the desiccant every two years; once a year in high humidity environments.  This not only eliminates any risk of downtime, it ensures that your sensor never gets contaminated or corroded by moisture accumulation.

Electronic Shutter

The SONY IMX455 sensor features an electronic rolling shutter.  No mechanical shutter is required for normal operation.

To facilitate dark frame subtraction, the Aluma AC455 can use an SBIG filter wheel as a dark frame shutter.  An opaque “filter” (included) can be installed in a user-designated filter slot; the camera will automatically use that as its dark frame shutter when needed.  This facilitates convenient sensor calibration especially in remote/robotic installations.

Quality You Can Trust

Built in our ISO 9001:2015 quality certified North American facility, this camera uses only the high-reliability industrial-grade IMX455 CMOS sensor.  Backed by our industry-leading warranty, you can be assured that this camera will provide reliable performance over a long lifetime.  Our user-rechargeable desiccant system ensures long-term frost-free operation without the need for periodically returning the camera for service.

Optional Filter Wheel

The Aluma AC455 is compatible with the SBIG AFW-10-50SQ Filter Wheel, supporting up to ten 50 mm square filters.  Our incredibly thin yet rugged AFW filter wheels are only 0.65″ (16.5 mm) thick, minimizing back-focus requirements.

The AFW mounts directly to the front of the camera.  Installation and cabling is greatly simplified as both power and control is provided directly by the camera’s I2C AUX port.

Single-Shot Color Option

Two versions of the camera are available – the standard Aluma AC455M, and the Aluma AC455C Single-Shot Color camera.  The AC455C uses an on-chip RGB Bayer matrix to produce color images, after suitable post-processing.  For best results we recommend performing dark frame calibration prior to the color conversion (de-Bayer); this capability is built into the included MaxIm LT software as part of its Stack feature.

The Single-Shot Color camera model is particularly useful in prime focus applications, where minimizing shadowing is important.  The camera’s round profile helps minimize diffraction artifacts.

For most applications we recommend using the Aluma AC455M monochrome camera, as it provides the greatest sensitivity and resolution.  It can be used in conjunction with a filter wheel to produce RGB color or narrowband images, or to take photometric measurements using suitable filters.  The included MaxIm LT software automates the process of acquiring and stacking multi-band images.

Self-Guiding and Adaptive Optics Options Available

The available SBIG SBIG StarChaser SC-4 Off-Axis Guider Camera is an excellent low-cost option for integrated autoguiding in front of the filters, and it supports our SBIG AO-X Adaptive Optics accessory.


The AO-X uses a tip-tilt window to quickly and precisely adjust the image position in response to autoguider feedback.  With Adaptive Optics there is no backlash, stiction, or lag, and the movements are precise and accurate.  This allows the AO-X to not only remove the effects of periodic error, drift, and wind gusts, but also reduce the effects of atmospheric seeing.  When used with an Aluma AC camera, the AO-X requires the StarChaser SC-4.

For more information please see AO-X.

I2C AUX Port

All SBIG cameras include a convenient auxiliary control port (also known as an I2C AUX port), which controls the filter wheel and provides optional external trigger interfaces.  Unlike older SBIG models, the AUX port is not used for AO-X control, as this function is now handled by the optional SBIG StarChaser off-axis guiding camera.

MaxIm LT Software

All SBIG cameras come with our MaxIm LT software – a $249 value! MaxIm LT is a special version of our venerable MaxIm DL software for Windows that provides complete control of your camera, filter wheel, and autoguider, plus advanced image processing capabilities. If you wish you can upgrade to MaxIm DL Pro to get complete observatory integration and even more processing and analysis capabilities.

ASCOM Driver

An industry-standard ASCOM driver is available, allowing you to control the camera from popular Windows-based astronomy applications.

Mac and Linux drivers are available upon request.  Please contact us for details.

Choice of Adapter Plate

We now offer a choice of adapter plates.

Currently available adapter plates include:

  • Standard SBIG STX style (default)
  • 3″ Barrel style

Included Accessories

All Aluma AC cameras include a deluxe carrying case, universal power supply, Aluma AC power extension cable, your choice of adapter plates, and MaxIm LT software.

Required Fiber Network Components

The Aluma AC455 uses a fiber Ethernet connection.  You will need:

  • OM3 or OM4 fiber optic cable with LC connectors on each end.
  • A pair of SFP+ transceivers with LC connectors, one for each end of the cable.
  • An SFP+ port on your computer.  If your computer does not have one, then you can use a Thunderbolt port, PCIe card, or a format converter to regular copper wire Ethernet.  The following options are available:
    • Thunderbolt 3 or 4 to SFP+ adapter.
    • PCIe SFP+ card.
    • Format converter box for SFP+ fiber and RJ45 copper.

All of these are readily available – information on sources is included in the User Manual.  For your convenience these components can be ordered with the camera.  Please note that the transceivers we supply are rated for industrial temperature range and are therefore suitable for winter temperatures.  If you are in a temperate climate you may be able to use less-expensive modules.



Use Build Complete System to add all necessary accessories such as Fiber Ethernet components, filter wheel, guider, and other accessories.

Build Complete System


Additional Information

Adaptive Optics Option

AO-X with StarChaser SC-3

Computer Interface

SFP+ 10 Gbps Fiber Ethernet

Cooling Delta

~ -30C from ambient


0.00016 – 16,000 sec

Filter Size

50mm Square

Self-Guiding In Front of Filters

Yes, with StarChaser SC-4

Filter Wheel Option


Full Frame Download

0.25 sec sensor readout, 0.26 sec download to PC

Full Well Capacity

51,000 e- typical

Imaging / Pixel Array

9576 x 6388

OAG Option


OS Compatibility

Windows 7, 8, 10 x86/x64. Contact us for Linux support.

Pixel Size

3.76 um


12 VDC 8A


Rolling Shutter, optional mechanical shutter via filter wheel

Temperature Regulation


Total Pixels

61 million


3.5 lbs / 1.6 kG

Imaging Sensor

IMX455 Industrial Grade

A/D Converter

Dark Current e-/p/s

Typical < 0.005 e-/p/s at 0C

Read Noise (typ)

Depends on gain. Typical 3.6 e- at 1X gain, < 2.1 e- at 3X or higher gain.


Product overview

A technical overview of the Aluma AC455.


Operating manual

Installation, and operating instructions for Aluma AC series cameras.


Mounting Plate Drawing

Drawing for the 10018 “STX” style mounting plate.


Backfocus Calculator Spreadsheet

This Excel spreadsheet helps you calculate backfocus distance for your system. If you do not have Excel it can be uploaded into Google Sheets.


Drivers and Camera Configuration Utility

This camera uses the DL Imaging x64 driver package. Download the latest drivers and camera configuration utility. (Note: Included with MaxIm DL V7 installer.)

Download (x64)

ASCOM Driver

Provides compatibility with many third party control applications. Please install the main driver package (above) first.

Download (x64) 

MaxIm LT Software

Camera owners can request a MaxIm LT license here (camera serial number required):


To get started immediately, request the full MaxIm DL Pro demo version here (click Demo tab):


Once you receive your MaxIm LT license, simply replace your demo license using Help menu Enter License.

MacOS and Linux Drivers

Available by request. Please post in our support forum, Aluma section:


Software Development Kit

Available by request. Please post in our support forum, Aluma section:


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